As an Executive Advisor, I have a passion for service and helping individuals gain clarity as they walk on their life journey. It is my honor to assist people to achieve their greatest potential in their professional and personal lives.


My Story

Prior to starting my leadership development and business strategy consulting practice at Shushan Consulting, LLC, I served as a corporate operations executive for over 25 years across multiple industries. I designed and transformed new and existing organizations, built and led high performing teams, and developed and launched new products and services. I designed and delivered a wide range of business solutions that increased revenue for multi-billion dollar industries by enhancing individual and organizational capability through innovation.

I have lead multi-billion dollar operations within organizations, ranging from start-ups to Fortune 50 companies, including Nextel, Sprint, Ericsson Global, Comcast, Cablevision, Contempo Casuals, and Bugle Boy.

I am best known for my creative and innovative approach to leading large-scale, highly complex and time-sensitive business transformation efforts.

Initially, my fast-paced career was exciting and rewarding, and I enjoyed it. It fit my personality and my calling to lead and model responsibility for others. I was helping people from inside organizations, utilizing my background and experience from an abundance of personal obstacles. I had emigrated to the U.S. with my family from the former Soviet Union without speaking English and with nothing but a few possessions in our bags. I had lost all of my siblings, my mother to cancer and had gone through a very painful divorce. These events prompted me to seek further help and work with alternative therapies and teachers from all over the world.

As more time and loved ones passed, I became more reflective. Outwardly, I was very “successful,” but, inwardly, I struggled deeply. My work began to feel false and lack authenticity, and I had no work-life balance. I was losing touch with my true self. I was physically exhausted and emotionally drained most of the time, and the work no longer aligned with my spirit.

Finally, after several company reorganizations and departmental cuts, I was given a path to exit. I made the decision to reclaim my life. I chose to follow my calling to help people. So, I combined my formal education, my studies in psychology, personality models, human mindset, and spirituality, my extensive business and corporate experience and my personal development work, and I launched my business in 2015.


As I began working with people, I was amazed to find that most people are looking for something better and greater to do with their lives. I have discovered that most people do not give themselves the time to gain clarity because of the busy lives they lead. These realizations have further fueled my passion for helping people help themselves.


Shushan holds a BS in Business from Northeastern University. She holds executive certifications in Leadership, Business Strategy and Implementation from Harvard Business School, Wharton and The Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth.